
MiniJava is a small subset of Java.

The meaning of a MiniJava program is given by its meaning as a Java program. Overloading is not allowed in MiniJava. The MiniJava statement System.out.println(expr); can only print integers. The MiniJava expression expr.length only applies to expressions of type int[].

The program operates in four main stages:

  1. Parse source file to generate a syntax tree, report any syntax errors.
  2. Traverse the syntax tree, building a symbol table and reporting any semantic errors.
  3. Interpret and print the results to console.
  4. Generate CIL (MSIL) bytecode.


Program::=MainClass ( ClassDeclaration )* <EOF>
MainClass::="class" Identifier "{" "public" "static" "void" "main" "(" "String" "[" "]" Identifier ")" "{" Statement "}" "}"
ClassDeclaration::="class" Identifier ( "extends" Identifier )? "{" ( VarDeclaration )* ( MethodDeclaration )* "}"
VarDeclaration::=Type Identifier ";"
MethodDeclaration::="public" Type Identifier "(" ( Type Identifier ( "," Type Identifier )* )? ")" "{" ( VarDeclaration )* ( Statement )* "return" Expression ";" "}"
Type::="int" "[" "]"
Statement::="{" ( Statement )* "}"
|"if" "(" Expression ")" Statement "else" Statement
|"while" "(" Expression ")" Statement
|"System.out.println" "(" Expression ")" ";"
|Identifier "=" Expression ";"
|Identifier "[" Expression "]" "=" Expression ";"
Expression::=Expression ( "&&" | "<" | "+" | "-" | "*" ) Expression
|Expression "[" Expression "]"
|Expression "." "length"
|Expression "." Identifier "(" ( Expression ( "," Expression )* )? ")"
|"new" "int" "[" Expression "]"
|"new" Identifier "(" ")"
|"!" Expression
|"(" Expression ")"

Lexical Issues

An identifier is a sequence of letters, digits, and underscores, starting with a letter. Uppercase letters are distinguished from lowercase.
Integer literals
A sequence of decimal digits is an integer constant that denotes the corresponding integer value.
A comment may appear between any two tokens. There are two forms of comments: one starts with /*, ends with */; another begins with // and goes to the end of the line.

Sample Program

class Factorial {
    public static void main(String[] a) {
        System.out.println(new Fac().ComputeFac(10));

class Fac {
    public int ComputeFac(int num) {
        int num_aux;

        if (num < 1) num_aux = 1;
        else num_aux = num * (this.ComputeFac(num - 1));

        return num_aux;


let source = "<MiniJava source code>"
let result =
    Utils.result {
        let input = Input.create source
        let! tokens = Lexer.tokenize input
        let! program = Parser.parse tokens
        let! symbolTable = SymbolCollector.create program
        let! _ = TypeChecker.check symbolTable program
        let! _ = VariableInitializationChecker.check program
        let env = Environment.create symbolTable program (printfn "%d") 1000L
        let! newEnv = Interpreter.interpret env
        let! assembly = ILBuilder.build symbolTable program
        let! app = CodeGenerator.generate assembly
        return newEnv, assembly, app